A little about our fearless leader.
Trish is a geek, which she will happily tell you. She is fascinated by human behavior and she’s spent decades trying to better understand it. Give her a topic, and she’ll reference three researchers who explain the brain science and social constructs that drive it, and five examples of how she’s seen it work in real-life organizations. Trish believes all of us can be happier and more successful if we learn to change and optimize behavior. Trish applies that lifetime of learning to help companies get what they want, through strategy, rapid implementation, group behavior change, organizational design, instructional design, and communication (or, as she’d rather have you call it, “focusing attention”).

Trish Emerson, President and CEO of Emerson Human Capital Consulting, Inc.
In 2001, Trish decided to gather the smartest people she knew and loved to form Emerson Human Capital Consulting. It was the first company made up of a large group of full-time professionals that specialize only in organizational change management. She and her team are not “deck-and-dash” consultants; Emerson teams roll up their sleeves and work with clients to define their problem, build a strategy, develop and implement solutions, and sustain the change. That’s why organizations as varied as the Department of Justice, Gap, Chevron, and the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Sciences have asked Trish’s team to help when the consequences of failure are high.
Ask Trish to present to your organization and she will unleash her decades of experience all over you. She’s been a guest speaker for fortune 500 companies, and is a frequent guest lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley. She has written pieces for other authors’ books and has been called an expert in change management by the likes of Fast Company and the Wall Street Journal.
She’s also the author of three books: The Change Book (an ATD best-seller), The Learning & Development Book, and The Technology Change Book.
Q&A Time!
Q: Turn on?
A: Possibility
Q: Turn off?
A: Giving up
Q: How about a favorite food?
A: Chocolate, closely followed by red wine. (Apparently, they have the same chemical construction.)
Q: What profession would you like to try, someday?
A: Movie editor. Sound engineer. Writer. Artist. Restaurant owner. There’s so much to do!
Q: What’s the secret to your success?
A: What’s worked so far is to surround myself with brilliant, passionate people.
Q: Any hobbies?
A: Food, Family, Friends.
Q: What would be different if you ruled the world?
A: Everyone would be able to diagram a sentence.