If you’re new around these parts, you might not know that we’ve written a series of books. They capture our favorite principles, tips and lessons learned gathered from our collective decades (centuries?) of experience in change management, learning and development, and technology change. We’ll give you a quick rundown of each book in this blog. First, we’re pleased to introduce you to The Change Book.

Sound boring? Well, we wrote this book because we believe learning to manage change doesn’t have to be boring. We used a twist on The Golden Rule: Write unto others as you’d have them write to you. We took pity on the reader and minimized the consultanty, businessy language. (Pro tip: It’s a lot more fun to write this way too.)

Fear of commitment? No problem — you don’t have to read the whole thing. Each chapter stands alone. Flip it open to any page and start reading from there. You’ll find powerful, concise and easy advice from battle-tested practitioners.

The Change Book covers topics like sponsorship, resistance, project branding and messaging, and employee impacts.

We love it, but we’re biased. Listen to some of our fans:

“The Change Book has been invaluable in helping us influence change within our leadership group and I would highly recommend it to all those who wish to progressively implement and successfully lead into the future.” — Thomas Klein, Regional Vice President — California, Fairmont Hotels and Resorts

“The Change Book takes the daunting subject of change management and makes it accessible, understandable, and even fun.” — Rick Barsotti, Partner, Groove 11

Get to know our book – and let us know what you think! We’d love to hear your review.